Stay sharp. Protect your organization by keeping an eye on the activity surrounding it, both inside and outside the premises.
Your organization’s blind spots.
Confidential information leak agents and vectors.
To potential incidents in a timely and efficient fashion.
Sentinel detection
Right between defense and offense lies observation. No security plan can be properly executed without including strong detection procedures.
The correct combination of monitoring solutions can prepare your organization for any type of attack, whether it is to prevent them from happening or to ensure that your organization is empowered to face a potential incident and resolve it in the simplest and quickest way possible.

A SOC main task is to monitor every active (servers, networks, perimeter, sites and Web applications) 24/7/365 to detect as early as possible the potential threats and attacks towards them, and offer a rapid response that mitigates to a maximum the risk.
Our 24/7 SOC provides protection on all essential layers of the OSI model, integrating a set of solutions built exclusively by Mkit, providing an extra ring of coverage. That way, we can take care of the network as well as the applications and overall perimeter status.

A CSIRT is a team formed by a multidisciplinary team of professionals (security, infrastructure, development, legal, PR). This team performs response procedures before IT incidents allowing to mitigate the damages of the incidents towards acceptable levels.
Said procedures involve the early response to the incident, the quick recollection of the elements that can help identifying the source cause and the public communication of the contingency, followed by the corrective actions taken by the team.
Currently, Mkit leads one of the few private global reach CSIRTs, having made alliances with many FIRST team members and improving its reach to both public and private entities.

Continuous analysis of the organization digital ecosystem in multiple scenarios for information exchange, allowing thus the anticipation of an incident that may negatively affect its reputation, and assisting in any potential investigation.
- Search engines
- Social media
- Press
- Classification lists
- Online discussion forums
- Internet infrastructure (Stand-alone systems, routing protocols, etc.)
- Incidents and vulnerabilities databases
- Phishing campaigns using the client as a vector
- Impersonate the organization and its employees
- Phishing attacks detection to the organization’s name by a third
Immediate identification of potential risks
Quick attack response and prevention of their expansion
Resilient incident recovery
Auditing processes and strategic planification efficiency increase
Increase of awareness in the work group
Organization integrity and image protection

Can any company hire the CSIRT service?
Yes. The necessity of a CSIRT service is not limited to big corporations. Any kind of organization that is publicly exposed (or handles sensitive information) should have an incidents response team to manage in an orderly fashion the potential eventualities that might affect it negatively.My organization does not function 24/7, is a 24/7 SOC necessary?
Yes. The protection of a 24/7 coverage SOC is essential to keep the appropriate ease of the organization assets at all times, even when it is not operational. Attackers never sleep, so protection shall not either.What is the best course of action after an incident?
The best way to retort an eventuality is with calm and order. The communication inside the incident report team is vital, the same goes for the continuous chronological facts documentation that may happen during an incident.
Arbitrary or sudden measures should not be taken. It is best to plan a response strategy and act objectively, to ensure the correct monitoring of the case and increase the response and resolution capacity.
A solid surveillance strategy is crucial. Sometimes, the smallest risk can become the greatest threat because of a failing monitoring solution. Gain control of the situation by staying ahead of the problem.